hi there!

welcome to my site! she's still young and under construction (including, goodness, this page), but she frequently brings a smile to my face, and i hope she can bring one to yours :)

i'm matisse.

by way of introduction:

what my college dorm door sign said about me, my senior year
what the twelve-year-old i tutor makes fun of me for
sometimes people seem abstract until i see them

but, as i remind myself periodically, i am concrete, i am real.

i care about some things and love others.

i'm starting to make my way in the world.

this is my site :)

it's — honestly such a relief, now, to have a personal site. big big thanks to hyperlink academy's internet homesteading course for helping me get up and running (!). my sense of what this website is is still evolving, but i suppose it is, fundamentally, a home. a place i invite others to; and a place i sink back into, exhaling.

here's to seeing where the future takes us!

how to crack an egg
hope it's a double-yoker